Monday 29 October 2012

Assignment 2: The Power of Advertising - Cultural and Design Aspects


For this assignment, we are supposed to re-advertise a brand or product based on one of the ads/commercials that have failed to convey their message/purpose to the public based on its culture and society. Each group member is required to search for and ad/commercial respectively, choose one out of the listed ads/commercials, and finally conduct research as well as developing ideas (sketches, mind maps, etc.) into a blog.

Eclipse's Mints Ad - "Live Life in the Eclipse"

(Reference Citing: Layla Kia, 2009. Eclipse's Mints Ad - Live Life in the Eclipse [video online] Available at: [29th October 2012].)

The advertisement starts with a beautiful lady walking and popping one of Eclipse’s mints into her mouth while looking seductively to a cute guy that's pushing his bike across the street. At the same time, an eclipse occurs. While everyone was busy observing the rare phenomenon, both individuals had held onto each other’s gazes. As they stopped with their faces a few inches apart from each other, the girl opens her mouth, letting out wisps of her breath, and almost immediately; brought their lips together for a passionate kiss.

According to Wrigley's (the company which under the brand ECLIPSE Mints') the purpose of it is to reconnect it's product with consumers through television in 2009, inviting them to ‘Live Life in the ECLIPSE’. Shot and produced in Sydney’s Martin Place, the heart of the campaign focussed on the core benefit of ‘Powerful Fresh Breath’. 2009 also saw the introduction of Black Chill, bringing the total ECLIPSE range to 5 fantastic flavours. ( Reference Citing: Wrigley's, 2009. ECLIPSE® Mints [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 20th October 2012])

The reason why I felt that the advertisement was a failure was because the message did not really reach out towards the audience. Although the wisps of the lady’s breath seemed to indicate that it was cool and fresh, it does not really relate to why and how the eclipse had to occur in the first place. 

Even though there are some who tend to be more open minded than others, the commercial itself can also be considered  inappropriate to most countries in the world, especially with the kissing scene (a way of showing sensuality?). On the other hand, I find that the commercial had also exaggerated too much with “girls with minty fresh breaths = kissing some cute and random stranger across the street”. In real life, it’s just simply awkward to kiss a person that you don’t even know,even in most circumstances.

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