Sunday 28 October 2012

The good and the bad

For our 2nd assignment of Design Studies, our given task is to

What makes a good ad, and what makes the ad bad?

Before we go on into that, what is the main purpose of advertising?
According to Smallbusiness website (
the purpose of advertising can be broken down into 5 subtopics.

The first one is Solicitation. This basically means that advertising encourages consumers to purchase the goods as well as promotes the goods and services.

Second would be Marketing and Promoting.Promotion does not always urge the consumers to immediately purchase the goods but to interest them or to make them more interested in purchasing the goods.

Third is to raise an awareness. Advertising does not always have to be about promoting items, it can also be a medium to inform or educate consumers. This is to make them be aware of a certain issue.

Fourth, educating and information. As mentioned above, advertising can be a means of informing the society as well as educating them about certain topics. It can be to inform them of a new product, and to educate them about the uses of the product. Other than that, it can also be about issues that does not involve any items.

The fifth and the last is Negative Advertising. This kind of advertising can be used to criticize or put down other competitions. It is also an effective way to promote something through negative publicity.

In conclusion, the main aim of advertising is to convey information to the consumer. But advertising does not limit itself to just product or goods to be sold, it can be for politics or to raise social consciousness to impart a message.

So what makes a good ad and a bad ad?

According to EpicMarketing ( what makes a good ad is an ad that is written and designed in such a way that it is able to connect emotionally with the consumers or its target audience. The audience will feel a sense of urge to purchase the item or understand the purpose of the item or the advertisement.

.  A good ad is an ad that is memorable, effectively transfers the brand’s purpose as well as educating the consumer on the benefits of the product.  A bad advertisement does otherwise. 


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