Tuesday 20 November 2012

Advantages and Disadvantages of Billboard Advertisements.

A billboard is a large size structure which is used as the instrument in the outdoor advertising activity and it is mostly found in high traffic areas

Unknown. (2012) Ponds [billboard ad] Available at <http://www.bestdesigntuts.com/billboard-advertising-a-creative-way-to-advertise-your-business/> [Accessed 20th November 2012] 

Unknown. (2012) Formula Toothcare Billboard [billboard ad] Available at <http://www.toxel.com/inspiration/2009/01/05/clever-and-creative-billboard-advertising/>  [Accessed 20th November 2012]

Unknown. (2012) Miele Vacuum Cleaner Billboard [billboad ad] Available at <http://www.toxel.com/inspiration/2009/01/05/clever-and-creative-billboard-advertising/> [Accessed 20th November 2012]

One of the effective tools of advertising is definitely billboard ads. In fact, billboards are the second most effective form of advertising that has reached 93% Americans. It has the ability to market a product or a company to the consumers within 5 seconds as people easily register to photographic memory and slogans. 

Urvashi Pokharna, 2012. Advantages and Disadvantages of Billboard Advertising. [online] Available at <http://www.buzzle.com/articles/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-billboard-advertising.html> Accessed 20th November 2012. 

Advantages of Billboard Ad. 

It is huge and eye-catchy. Billboards are generally placed along the highways and busy streets, which means that it is guarenteed that people will notice it. Unlike tv commercials and print magazine, there is no chance for the consumers to switch the channel or flip the page, so they are forced to see it whether they like it or not. Many people tend to travel in the same route repeatedly, so there's a huge chance that the image of the ad will stick in their minds, as they are frequently exposed to it. And because the average time for someone to notice a billboard is only mere seconds, the concept of the billboard is likely  to be kept short and simple. So, information are delivered effectively.

Disadvantages of Billboard Ad.

There are chances that the ad could be ruined by uncontrollable factors, such as weather. Overexposure to rain and sun could damage the billboard. And there are no ways for the company to ascertain whether the billboard is a success or not, because there are no means of measuring whether the customers are drawn by the advertisement or other means. And usually, there are no feedbacks from the consumers.

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