Thursday 1 November 2012

Idea for Re-advertising Nivea's "Re-civilize Yourself" for Men Ad

Street Art Advertising

Face of the City (2012) Dan Bergeron. Available at: <> [Accessed 30th October 2012]

Street art is most likely considered to be one of the most controversial form of art movement in the world today.The definition of street art is vague, due to the fact that each style of approaching and the purpose of it can be different for each individual/group. However, most of them do share a similar purpose; that is to express and share their thoughts in about the issues (eg. political) concerning the world today.  
Street Art (2011) Unknown. Available at: <> [ Accessed 30th October 2012]
The most wonderful thing about street art is that it can never fail to grab a person's attention. In fact, it's impossible for one not to notice it because it's not just the art; it's the underlying message that is portrayed. At the same time, this automatically serves as a medium for street artists to communicate with the society, in hopes of triggering a response from them.
Street Art (2010) Unknown. Available at: <> [ Accessed 30th October 2012]
Street art had inspired many and spread across different cultures of the globe until today. The best part about it is that it is starting to become a trend for commercializing brands/products effectively. If that's the case, why not make the best out of it?

Ideas and Sketches for Street Art Advertising

I had thought of an idea while I was conducting research about Nivea's ad "Re-civilize Yourself". Since the campaign was aimed towards face and body shave for men, and hinting towards facial hair, we can twist a bit of the ad in a sense that relates to the Charles Darwin's theory of the human evolution; in which humans were originally primates.
Ape to Human Evolution (2010) Unknown. Available at: <> [Accessed 28th October 2012]
Monkey-Human-Similar-Brain (2012) Unknown. Available at: <> [Accessed 28th October 2012]

Here are some of the sketches in reference to the two images above:

Sketch 1
Ape to Human Evolution
Street Art (2011) Unknown. Available at: <> [Accessed 30th October 2012]
For this sketch, I was thinking of having this ad in the form of 3D street art, where the primate part will be set in a prehistoric era while the most recent form of man in the present. Comparing with this sketch to the image above, I decided to change the 5th evolution of man with long messy hair, but still maintaining some of the facial and body hair (This part is most likely where the human mind begins to think in a more civilised way). I thought of it being advertised based on the image below:

Sketch 2
Half prehistoric-man and half present man
This image is closely similar to the second image of the "Monkey-Human-Similar-Brain". For this sketch, I had thought of the preshistoric-man peeling of the edge of the wall/billboard/poster, revealing a fresh, and clean shaven face. The inspiration that I had was based on this 3D street art, which has a nice and simple finish.

Layer (Nature) (2011) The Miha Artnak. Available at: <> [Accessed 30th October 2012]

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