Sunday 4 November 2012


My first idea was actually inspired by Tarzan.

 He's basically raised by gorillas since he was still a baby. But haven't we actually wondered, why doesn't he have any facial hair? And despite living in the jungle for all these years, he seemed to be pretty decent actually.

Unknown, (2012). Tarzan. (image) Available at <> Accessed 29th November 2012. 

So, what I had in mind was that, we could superimpose the image above ( or something similar ) to have Tarzan holding a Nivea product, along with the tagline 'Re-civilize Yourself'.

It would be suitable as a billboard ad, where there are higher chances for potential customers to actually stop and stare because it has the ability to grab their attention and leave an impression on them.

Rob Tendick, 2007. The Many Benefits of Billboard Advertising. [online] Available at : [Accessed 4th November 2012] 

My second idea is inspired by this ad that I came across from a body building magazine. 

What I had in mind was that we could show an image of a sloppy, unshaven man. Then, there will be a ripped pattern across the image (similar to the one above) and be replaced with a well shaved, clean man. And at the bottom of the ad, it will be the tagline for Nivea, 'Re-Civilize Yourself'. 

Similar to the first idea, I imagined it to be a billboard ad because of the composition. It is creative and eye catching and the message can be delivered very effectively. 

Rob Tendick, 2007. The Many Benefits of Billboard Advertising. [online] Available at : [Accessed 4th November 2012] 

Lai Yenn. 

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