Sunday 25 November 2012

New Idea's

1.  This idea would be painted inside of a tunnel (Sort of like those early cavemen paintings) It shows the transition of a man crawling on all fours to a man walking up right. Although the only thing that changes is his hair. 

Examples of caveman drawings:

  • Makes a regular old tunnel interesting to look at
  • May attract a lot of attention for this level of creative advertising
  • It may be hard to get permission to paint in the tunnel
  • If it attracts a lot of people it may cause unwanted traffic 
  • It may be costly for nivia to paint at such a location.
 2. Coming back to Foong Yann's moss idea. We could have a face painted on a brick wall then some moss grown to 50/50 his face. One half being cleanly shaven with nice hair and the other side portraying messy unruly hair.

  • Low cost
  • Nice to look at 
  • A little hard to do
  •  People may try to vandalize it ( gangsters >.> )
  • Vulnerable to the changing weather conditions.
-Komal Puri

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