Sunday 4 November 2012

Brain storming!

From the original advertisement from Nivea, it shows a man holding a head with an afro hair do and beard.

Why this ad is a failure is because of the stereotypical perception that states that the afro look is uncivilized and the image of a good look is that of bald hair, clean face without any facial hair.

Unfortunately, the afro look is a style and people do actually go for it. Many took offense to this ad.

It originated back in the 70's, it is a style and a look. It doesn't mean it is uncivilized when you wear that look.
Therefore I've come up with an idea to redesign the ad regarding it.

Initial Ideas

Capture their Attention!

My initial idea was to display an ad for Nivea's campaign on a fast moving vehicle.
In Malaysia, the public transportation is well-known for driving fast and crazy. 

This method of advertising is very interesting, catches the attention of the people around and the contents of the advertisement is interactive and makes it interesting. Thus, will help the audience to remember.  

The weakness of this method of advertising is that the vehicle , if driven too fast, will not allow the people to read what the ad is all about. 

My second idea is by placing the ad onto an old abandoned building. 
The walls of the building is old and untouched except for a side/ surface of the building which the ad will be placed. 
As the tagline goes, "Re-civilize Yourself", it means clean yourself with Nivea.

My 3rd idea is in regards to the original ad that is about "Afro" hair do.
The weakness of this ad is that it is still stereotypical and does not inform the consumers of the product.

My 4th idea is by advertising the ad on a billboard which shows a city being taken over by Nivea products. When talked about civilization, the best example is a city, which shows civilization. 
Therefore, the products re-civilizes yourself. 


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