Thursday 1 November 2012

The Actual Meaning Behind the Ad

One of the few commercial advertisements that I could never forget is Gatsby's hair commercial that was released few years back.

NakittyNajib, (2005) Gatsby Hair Commercial 2! [video online] Available at <> Accessed 30th October 2012. 

In the ad, there are three Japanese men who were singing in Japanese. Directly translated to English, basically it means 'If you're happy and you know it, clap your hair'. Upon reaching the end of the chorus, their hair would clap to the rhythm. 

It was unforgettable due to the image they portrayed and the song that they used.

But as I researched further, the product that they were advertising was actually Gastby's hair dye. It was totally irrelevant to the advertisement because the whole concept of it suits a hair gel more than a hair dye product. People could easily mistaken this commercial for a hair gel ad. Because, instead of showing the colours of the hair, they showed more on the 'toughness' of the hair instead. 

Jerome, (2009). Max Hair. Available at <> Accessed 1st November 2012. 

RamonCalibara, (2010). Teen X Hair Gel "Show Off" Campaign Ad2 [print ad] Available at <> Accessed 1st November 2012

The advertisement that Gatsby came up with leaves us with this kind of impression, which immediately leads us to hair gel. 

Instead of showing the extravagant hairstyles, they could've come up with something like this. 

Dianasexyyy, (2008) L'Oreal Ad. Available at <> Accessed 1st November 2012 

MauricioNahas, (2002.) FIRE. Available at <> Accessed 1st November 2012. 

It is more straight forward and it goes back to the product itself. Its like looking at the visual, and people can immediately identify that its a hair dye product. 

Here is the rationale that I've written. 

"Few years back, I remember seeing an advertisement about hair product by Gatsby. It was featuring three Asian guys with a Mohawk kind-of-hairstyle, clapping their hair as they sing. And towards the end of the 30-second advertisement, they were actually trying to advertise Gatsby’s hair dye product. In my opinion, I find the ad kind of silly because personally, it feels to me that they are sending this message that “if you use Gatsby’s hair dye, you can clap your hair too”. Not to mention, I don’t see any relevance in it. How is a hair dye product related to clapping your hair?  No doubt that the ad was powerful enough to leave a long lasting impression on the audience, but it does not relate back to the actual product itself. If I were to remake that ad, I’d choose to emphasize more on the hair colours instead. Then, people would understand what is the advertisement all about."

Lai Yenn. 

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